Taking your puppy on short trips to fun places is very important in the first few months. Since puppies usually require many trips to the vet, they will learn that the car is a bad thing that takes them to scary places if you don't show them the opposite.

Take them to the dog park or the pet store for a new toy. Even driving 5 minutes down the road then coming back home is better than nothing. Just make sure they are in a crate if they can't maintain their balance well and that your seats are covered with towels.

Also, don't forget to allow them to pee or poo before getting in the car! Happy travels :)


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Have a new puppy or an older dog that isn't quite trained as well as you want? After raising a puppy myself, I've learned quite a bit, and I'd like to share that with you. I don't claim to be a professional trainer or even that what I have to share will help you with your dog, but I hope what I've learned will improve your relationship with your dog and make ownership more enjoyable.

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I'm a 26 year old pharmacy grad living the life with my lover (lol), two dogs & three cats in Kansas. I have IBS, but I try to not let it define me. I fail. ;)


My pup- then and now